Data Mining Solutions DMS
At TouchStone, backed by over 6 years of expertise, the team offers end to end consultation services with enhanced ROI (Return of Investment) and ROTI (Return of Time Invested). A very detailed study of previous and ongoing processes in your concern, are carefully evaluated on site, by a team of highly qualified engineers. Several readings and observations from this qualitative analysis is later on brought into our specialised labs for a thorough Data Mining exercise. After several batches of computations, we will present to you, important process-oriented and control mechanisms that will not only help you leverage your expanse in developing, but will also monitor all the seen and unseen metrics of every possible event failure and non-stabilizing feature; information that is brought to you several steps in advance. This information is actually predicting all future events of your process and will highlight any area which does not fall in the optimised area.
Process Control Evaluation

The entire concept of Data Handling revolves around true adherence to Quality Asscessment and Process Control. Process Control Evaluation gathers unseen but crucial information converting them to valuable Check Points which keep running in the background of running process(es). This in turn strictly evaluates and graphically denominates existing standpoints of During Process Checks. The entire show will not have a Master Monitor always Evaluating every aspect of present data based on previous comparisions, and thus predicting all possible deviations to the Process Flow.
Slippage Value Predictions
If you Slip while you walk, you dont know what you hurt until the fall is over!
This is Simple to understand but, at the same time, is immensely profound to guage. It is this Qualifying KnowlEdge that will ascertain the value of any loss, even before it happens. All determinal fields and metrics can be tabulated and binded within a process to measure the detail of accuracy in any flow. Any variation to this flow, can be Graphically and Quantitatively measured to let you, the Process Chief, literally Predict time and schedule variations that may happen in future; and that too with a phenomenal accuracy.
Business Leveraging Options

There is a fine line that seperates Profit and Profit with Success. It is this line that seperates the Successful and the Best!
In a nutshell, how would one like to ensure that every Erg you expend will result in better Profitability and Delivery? When every line of code, every table position and even every keystroke can cause a difference, an Optimum Functionality with a Synergy of every applicable measure is required to enhance Productivity and Delivery. Our time-proven and customized Business Leveraging Options can greatly help your concern in listing several possibilities of Potential Improvements over existing process(es). Proven study can generate information on possible variations of Time lines, arrangement of Data processs & Validation and even Manpower; this information can present valuable Strategies to defnitely mark improvements in ROI (Return Of Investment) and ROTI (Return Of Time Invested).
Enhanced Security Models

Is there any possible means to ensure the Safest practice?
The answer is an infite loop of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. The only True Standard to achieve this would be thru consistent feedback of every byte of Data Interchange. DMS brings about this Event Capture Model which will Analyze and Portray every byte and bit of Information; capture Metrics; based on which, an ongoing process of Security Enhancements can be put in place, to ensure optimum Protection of your Valuable Data.
After all, it is your Information, your Security and your Integrity in Process that will determine the least variation(s) of every ongoing flow. This is so much required, especially when any possible loss of data or even a leakage in a process can mean a vent for extended Loss. What we need here is a Control that will ensure better Profitability as against a Defence against ongoing Loss Models. This is Enhanced Security!