At Touchstone we undertake challenging assignments for developing and implementing advanced software solutions in multidisciplinary areas of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) for process control and optimization using various techniques like data pre-processing, neural networks, computational modeling, Multivariate Statistical Process Control (MSPC) and multivariate visualization. We also offer custom solutions based on its technologies.
We believe in “its not about the tools, it’s about the people who use them” matters.

Under the brand name of Touchwww.com, to host quality web hosting services, the best place to host Corporate, Small Business or personal web site. Touchwww.com offers WebHosting services, Domain Name registration, Email solutions, Java/JSP(Tomcat server) hosting, .net/ASP, CGI, Perl, PHP hosting, database support for MYSQL & MSSQL and search engine optimisation(SEO).